Was Covid-19 Corona DNA virus, and RNA immunity genome sequenced by USA, and provided to Wuhan Lab?

Jerry L. Rhoads
3 min readAug 3, 2023
Author, consutant, CPA, Entreprenuer Jerry L. Rhoads

Yes, Genome editing technology repeated Corona virus DNA in 1984 then sequenced using CRISPR — Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat-cas) as immune systems with well-known acquired immunity RNA systems that are active in research biology … 1987 DNA sequencing of Corona virus predicted archaeal viruses shed light on the function of CRISPR on Covid. . In parallel, several genes previously proposed an encode RNA repair proteins specific for hyper hemophilic archaea (6) WERE IDENTIFIED AS BEING STRICLY associated with CRISPR genes (7), comparative gebinuc abacuses thus suggested CRISPR and cas RNA proteins actually work together and soncstitye ab acquired immunity system to protect prokaryotic cells afaings invading viruses and Plasmids, analogous to the eukaryotic RNA interference (RNAI) STSTEM (8), generating a DNA sequencing of the Covid virus.

In the meantime, the invention of automated sequencing machines and the development of efficient procedures for DNA sequencing during the 90"s provided scientists, for the first time, with access to computerized genome sequences.

In 2005 Dr.Makarova,a biologist, performed a detailed analysis of the cas protein sequences and attempted to predict their functions in a mechanism similar to eukaryotic RNAi system. CRISPR-Cas system with its memory component rather resembles the adaptive immune system of vertebrates with the crucial difference being that the animal immune system is not inheritable. The function of the CRISPR- Cas RNA system as a prokaryotic acquired immune system was finally experientially developed in 2007. It would appear that this sequencing of Corona virus was utilized as a gain of function study done in the Wuhan lab in 2019, funded by the Research Institute of Virology headed up by Dr. Fauci.

Then did a synthetic Corona virus leap from the experiment on bats, for gain of function experiments, to a lab technician(s) in the Wuhan lab then to the Wuhan public population as human carriers? It is speculated by biologists that it did, an accident or a Chinese conspiracy to use it as a biological weapon. Why would China create a weapon to use on itself or did certain behind the scenes evil do it? Only Dr. Fauci and the lab know for sure if it was an accident, and they are covering their tracks by blaming natural causes from bats to humans. (Then how did the bats get it?)

While natural immunity and the risk of a widespread Pandemic were lost in (the same tactics used in 1819 to combat a wide spread virus symptomatic of a viral pneumonia protein driven infection of the respiratory system, labeled the Spanish Flu, that killed 60 million worldwide) Pandemic Chairman Anthony Fauci’s cover up by bending the undefined and without triage statistical analysis driven infection curve, social distancing, lock downs, quarantining, infection transference tracking, and “warp speed” development of RNA based vaccines. Costing worldwide panic, whitmillions of cases, and deaths. Variants still reside in China causing full scale panic and closures affecting their supply line responsibilities and reduction in their GDP growth.

Now as these historic facts come to light about cover up and how to prevent another Pandemic the WHO and China are working on prevention and management rules for the world to follow in a bureaucratic way … those that rule is above reproach. Here in America the only loud and resounding voice seeking the truth or a version of the truth is Senator Rand Paul, with the Biden administration still backing Dr. Fauci’s version of the facts. Politically still being protected by classified documentation of the cause and future effect of WHO and China running the show.

We the common folk in America may never know how fear closed down our country, except for essential government employees, big businesses, with churches, small businesses, schools closed, some forever.



Jerry L. Rhoads

Retired CPA, health care consultant to the private sector. Developer of management software, licensed health care administrator and owner of nursing homes.