Jerry L. Rhoads
8 min readDec 22, 2022
My book The American Enterprise Manifesto is Volume Two of the Trilogy. Volume One why have a third party swing vote and Volume Three Restore American Enterprising Workers’ patriotism and ethical standards.


According to Nancy Pelosi we need open borders and have illegal immigrant slaves to pick our crops (cotton) and Chuck Schumer we need the refugees to make more babies to replace those citizens that aren’t making enough babies, for replenishing our production of staples, and grain to replace production from Ukraine, and our import global partners. In GAAP, (generally accepted accounting principles), we Trust that our leaders won’t bust our derivative bubble and trade imbalance with the rest of the world, depending on us to send them reparation, fiat money and treasury notes. Even so, we are a only a few missteps from bankruptcy at all levels of government. “The constitution states that the Federal and State government shall not spend more than it takes in and Thomas Jefferson don’t spend more than you earn.

Unless the borders are closed by the military, our country will be overrun with fentanyl, Percocet, meth, cannabis, heroin, oxycodone, cocaine, morphine, Xanax benzodiazepine, propofol, terrorists, Chinese green card holding nationals in China’s police stations in US stealing USA technology, commercialized cartels, 5 million unemployed, unskilled, poor, dependent immigrants. 370,000,000 pills/drugs came across the Biden open borders since 2021signing of the Biden/Sanders manifesto executive orders and administrative policies.

In closing, the lack of competent and accountable leadership sunk the Titanic April 15, 1912 in troubled waters off the coast of Newfoundland in the Northern Atlantic Ocean. Today the Gigantic ships sinking America are in our 20 ports called container ships owned by China that charge America shipping costs of $3,000 TO $30,000 per container for a ship holding 10,000 up to 18,000 containers totaling $300 million to $500,000,000 per ship. Then our ports have to unload the ships, load them on semis and trains, for transport to destination of the marketplace of wholesalers and retailers to display on their shelves … free of charge. Paying two million workers to handle air and ground delivery by Fed X, USPS, UPS, Amazon Prime, trains, planes and Uber delivery.

Or $1.9 trillion per year in shipping and distribution costs. Because, we then have to unload to semi-trucks, trains, mobiles and airplanes for transfer to wholesalers and retailers all over America. This is a losing business model imposed on us by Administrations who lacked any business acumen or economic senses to perpetuate America’s loss of technological, comport businesses, agricultural products and services. Since World War II this maniacal shift of our hegemon position to foreign produces is killing the Golden Goose American Dream.

How do we stop this in its tracks so our producers and service companies can pick up the pieces. Tariffs, sanctions and embargoes won’t stop the slide into bankruptcy. The USA loses $1.9 trillion per year due to imbalance of trade with 30 countries and China’s ten-year plan to destroy American democracy. How can we stop this partisan insanity? First recognize the need for a referee between the two-party system that is gridlocked and ineffective for solving problems … the two parties, just debate and stall using the blame game and calling problems issues between the two parties and leave the solution to the next Administration of attorneys, professors and scientists.

The solution is simple, reverse the tables on the suppliers … they need to ship F.O.B. destination so they incur the cost of distribution to American wholesalers and retailers or providers of services. Remember we are their largest consumer with the power of the dollar, quality and technological advancements. So, the suppliers also need to pay for shelf space displaying the products we allow them to make for us or a marketing fee for sales volume. Otherwise, we will do it ourselves at a lower cost and higher quality. Just in shipping and distribution we ENTIRELY wipe out the imbalance of trade.

What if they balk? Have you ever heard of strikes or finding competitors who will compete with the existing users to becoming the losers.


Secretary of Defense Austen, who says our most important issue (problem) is white supremacy, xenophobia, vaccinations, and shortage of new recruits. While sitting on a $900 billion budget to be invested in more weapons of mass destruction that can be stolen by China.

Secretary of State, Blinken who is wining, and dining the Presidente of Mexico to join the Americas, a new State of Sanctuary, for refugees from South, and Central America, and Mexican emigrants to replenish workers who pick the crops, and replace aging American workers who are retiring at record numbers. That will balance the brown, with the white population in the Americas, and the Western Hemisphere.

Vice President Harris is the Border Czar, who supposedly is treating the root problems in Mexico, South and Central America without a plan or perceived outcome other than a new Americas. She only laughs when she is asked if she has visited all the countries in the Western Hemisphere for her analysis of root cause analysis of the reason for mass immigration.

Secretary of Energy Granholm supports the downsizing of American energy production according to the Green New Deal objectives.

Secretary of Homeland Security, Mayorkas, who says the borders are secure, aren’t open, and Trump is the root cause for the current refugee population seeking sanctuary from warlords.

Secretary of the Treasury Yellen, says inflation isn’t a problem, we will not have a recession, and approves the Fed’s unhindered increase in interest rates to member banks that caused the 2007 worldwide recession/depression. Whereby Americans lost $30 trillion in equity in their homes, 401.k plans and stock market.

Attorney General Garland, who is chasing Donald Trump with a felony charge in the waiting so, he is prevented from running again. Also, supports the repeal of Roe V Wade, so abortion can only be done under certain circumstances decided by State by State legislatures. .

Secretary of Interior Tia, who is stopping drilling off shore and fracking on shore. Supports the Green New Deal by inaction, and speculation.

Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack, who is supporting the carbon footprint created by American farmers.

Secretary of Commerce Raimondo, who is overlooking the imbalance of trade as an issue not a loss of American business and sovereignty.

Secretary of Labor Walsh, who supports Schumer contention that we need more babies to replenish and replace aging America’s 8 million open jobs.

Secretary of Health, and Human Services, Becerra, who assisted Fauci to deceive Americans on how the Pandemic started, and how it should be managed on a macro and micro health care problem. Never activated a plan of prevention or vaccination.

Secretary of Housing, and urban Development, Fudge who supports the Green New Deal, and ignores the squalor and poverty in our inner cities.

Secretary of Transportation, Buttigieg, who is pushing electric autos for all by 2035 or lose their license to drive. He supports self-driving cars as the solution to traffic accidents along with trains, planes and automobiles as emission free transportation.

Secretary of Education, Cardona, who feels public educators should takeover raising Americans children with diversity, and transgender sexuality as a culture.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs, McDonough, who supported the evacuation of the military from Afghanistan. And avoidance of interaction with Ukraine to win the war on Russia.

Administrator of Environmental Protection Agency, Regan, who supports that global warming and climate change are causing floods, tornados, hurricanes, forest fires as the cause of the greenhouse affecting America’s life sustaining Green New Deal. While China, India, and third world countries are only “slowly moving towards” clean air, according to the Paris Accord footprint standards.

Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence, Haines who blames Russian, and China disinformation for our elections, and insecure social media for loss of American’s freedoms of speech, with not policies on quelling crime in the cities.

US Trade Representative, Tai sitting on a trillion dollars per year in imbalance of trade, and supports relations with China on how their container ships are being unloaded, and distributed to American wholesalers, and retailers costing them $1 to $2 trillion per year in shipping and land based distribution costs.

Ambassador to the UN, Thomas-Greenfield, who allowed China, and Russia to get the appointment by the Secretary General, as heading up the Security Council of the UN that allowed Russia to invade Ukraine with China’s abstinence.

Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers to the President, Rouse, who has acquiesced the conflict of interest of the Biden family in negotiating trade agreements with China, Russia, Ukraine, and shutting down America’s independence on foreign energy, and opening up the Oil Reserves, being sold to China supposedly to fight inflation, and allowing OPEC to dictate prices, and Venezuela socialists to profit, from the Green New Deal.

Administrator of the Small Business Administration, Guzman, who supports the Fed policy of raising interest rates to fight inflation, considering the fact the same policy caused a worldwide recession in 2007.

Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Young, who uses borrowing, and sale of US securities as cash receipts to balance deficit spending to fake balancing the budget, and $31 trillion in current liabilities without amortized reserves, for unrecorded obligations of $158 trillion for entitlements, Medicare, Medicaid and Obama care, per the

Director of the Office of Science, and Technology Policy, Prabhakar, who is responsible for Task Force Leader Anthony Fauci a self-proclaimed scientist, who devised the bending of the virus curve, without scientific stratification of risk, resulting in the closure of nonessential small businesses, and schools, transfers of patients to nursing homes… while essential businesses of Big Tech, Big social media, Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Box, Big Health Care, Big Trade Associations, and Big Auto companies including their Big Unions, were labeled as essential, and allowed to stay open, and receive stimulus checks.

Chief of Staff, Ron Klein who orchestrated the daily briefings, to be run by speech writers, and teleprompters, so President Biden was shielded from responsibility, and accountability for destroying American sovereignty, and financial stability. While Biden is denying his son Hunter was selling privilege around the world of trade as a conflict of interest to enrich, he and his family.

THE BOTTOM-LINE EFFECT FOR THIS BUSINESS PLAN FAILURE IS $5 TRILLION PER YEAR. $1 trillion in trade imbalance, $1.9 in shipping and distribution costs, $2 trillion in technology theft, and $500 million in opportunity costs for improving quality and efficiency. It’s no wonder the USA and its 50 states are borrowing $250 billion per month to pay exporters and 24 million government workers who have full pensions and health care coverage and deferring $158 in unrecorded long-term liabilities. Without transparency or GAAP accountability shown on

In my books the American Enterprise Swing Vote Party Trilogy, lies the bail out quasi-reorganization plan to balance the books, using (GAAP) generally accepted accounting principles, (GAAP), and foreign trade, pulling the extreme progressive, and divisive party factions towards the common-sense middle. Culturally, that is the American Dream of capital working with human beings to produce our prosperity. Democratically, for each of those who contribute their fair share of human capital, for risk, and reward by learning to earn, and having a skill to bill equally for profits, and equity for each of their own for family and freedom. Under the banner of “Keep America Great”, with Humanism.

Jerry L. Rhoads

Retired CPA, health care consultant to the private sector. Developer of management software, licensed health care administrator and owner of nursing homes.