Jerry L. Rhoads
3 min readApr 6, 2023
From the Podcast and Volume two of the American Enterprise Party Trilogy, Rhoads Publishing 2023


BLM has out smarted itself. Give us money we haven’t earned. Reparation without Preparation-H (work) is a woke American Dream. Freedom doesn’t mean free to be enriched by begging for it. Real true Americans want to be relevant not rich on OPM. Other people’s money. Usually that is termed a Wet Dream.

Most of us citizens that are descendants of migrants, have learned to earn, and have a skill to bill, and share it the profits of our personal capital (WORK). That’s American Capitalism (investors) and American Socialism (workers) working as a team in every small, medium or large enterprise, every day in American enterprises. I term this, the true Americanism Dream come true, land of the free, and prosperous for all who learn to earn, and have a skill to bill. Those who don’t, shall be educated, and trained as such, a national priority.

If George Floyd had been working and paying for what he earned, BLM wouldn’t even exist. How did his hate crime, give anyone of color the right to be paid for not working? Or the right to steal without consequences … aha you bet BLM is taking advantage of a tragedy for their personal gain. How’s that working for them?

Does anyone realize that the Great American Enterprise, is broke. Every State in the Union is underwater because of cooking the books for a century, or more. Budgeting without recording hair brained obligations like this one … called unfunded entitlements.

Medicare and social security are not entitlements … we working Americans have paid our share into savings accounts, that Congress uses to fund regime change, and wars with Treasury Bills, that pay 1.43% interest. On the other hand, the stock market has earned an average of 10% over the last 50 years, as America’s current debt rose 150%.

The entitlements are minimum wage, pensions, vacation pay, overtime, unemployment, food stamps, disability, child tax credits, etc., etc. Who pays for all of this … not politicians or government … it’s the enterprises and working Americans who pay all the bills, and future unfunded entitlements.

How do we win this trade and propaganda war with China, Russia, North Korea, and over a hundred totalitarian governments. We have to turn the tables on those that are taking our ideas, technology, wealth, and position in the World Order.

Americanism Global Trade: make it F.O.B. landed cost for shipping, distribution, marketing, and shelf space to be paid by the suppliers as landed cost not loaded costs … not doubling the cost ot American enterprises that are losing money by absorbing the entire cost of servicing global trade.

What will the suppliers do … try to increase prices, then move their suppliers closer to the consumers. Immediately, those countries supplying goods to America will have to rethink their bottom lines, and make moves to transfer their manufacturing facilities to American cities, and towns that will generate real-estate taxes, and jobs, jobs, jobs for 10 million migrants.

That’s exactly what happened with the Japanese automobile business in the 70’s and 80’s. And the rest of the world of electronics by Taiwan, China, and South Korea, in the 2000's.

Totalitarian Propaganda: such as TIKTOK, Twitter, Facebook, CHAP GPT-4, Instagram, Google, Apple, USA media, under the claim of freedom of speech will become registered, with a license to pay, per head with a user’s fee to the USA, Inc., for doing business in our free market enterprise.

Americanism Rule of Law: any system of surveillance, and stockpiling analytics harmful to American Capitalism, and America Socialism practicing information marketing to …

American users, will share their data streams for audit, and compliance. Fines and shutdown will be enforced by the judiciary.

Americanism License fees: all AI, and video software programs must pay a fee per user to comply with standards of freedom of speech rules.

Those not complying with the standards will lose their right to market, or use server directed media in our country.

Jerry L. Rhoads

Retired CPA, health care consultant to the private sector. Developer of management software, licensed health care administrator and owner of nursing homes.