Is China A Threat to Our Democracy

Jerry L. Rhoads
7 min readJun 7, 2021

by Jerry L. Rhoads, CPA, CEO and founder of the American Enterprise Party

Our binary two party system has outlived it’s effectiveness without term limits and new blood. We proletariats are led by the good ole boy politicians who are reelected 9 times out of 10, or their son or daughter picks up the mantel for continuing to “go along to get along”. Wasting away our financial future with debt and deficit beyond comprehension leading us to liquidation and reorganization.

Long Range Plans of Chinese for Worldwide Supremacy:

1) Cold War, Destroy American Democracy, Replace China as the New World Order.

2) Internet Warfare combining 5-G, AI, Cryptocurrency, Block Chain Exchange, Data Capture for Propaganda and Mind Control.

3) Cyber Warfare, Military Development (stealth, cruise missiles, nuclear energy) for military dominance, Biotechnology for Health Care for their 1.4 billion soldiers.

4) Mobilization Warfare, Nationalism, Massive Recruitment of talent

5) Financial Warfare, become the Fiat currency (Bitcoins, Block Chain, Digital Yuan the World Reference Currency) and implement generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) for taking over the World Order of trade and commerce.

6) Propaganda Warfare, Social Media Control, Brain Washing, Hacking for Technology, Influence America’s Social Revolution.

Our American Cold War defense is first and foremost being defeated by the internal political infighting over capitalism and socialism. To win the impending cold war with China requires bringing forth our national patriotism with the creed to merge socialism with capitalism in our work force based on humanism versus the other isms for:

· Equal opportunity for all races, creeds, sexes, religions with peaceful coexistent.

· Individualism based on freedom of speech, safety, security health and prosperity.

· Representative government with right to run for office.

· Ownership of private property with imminent domain.

· Freedoms for enterprises to take a risk to fail and begin again.

· Pursuit of Profit and Capital Investment in the Economy, workforce and Infrastructure.

· Sharing of the profits and wealth with those that contribute to the GDP ethically and patriotically.

Otherwise Big Brother and Brotherhood thinking will push us to Marxism (communism) that offers Ten Planks to Defeat Capitalism (In parentheses is where the progressive Big Brother control has put USA) :

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes. (Imminent domain lost to Federalism of property).

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. (Graduated taxation on adjusted gross income and progressive taxation on corporations)

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance. (Inheritance or death tax).

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. (Laws preventing aliens from owning property). (DEA)

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. (The Federal Reserve Bank and legislation, rules and regulations). (FDIC) (FEC).

6. Centralization of the means of communications and transportation in the hands of the State. (FCC) (FAA) (FHA) (FMC) (FTC).

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. (EPA) (Army Corp of Engineers) (FERC) (OERE) (NRC)

8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. (NLRB and Unionization of labor). (EEOC) (CPSC) (ATF) (Department of Justice) (VA) (ETA).

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries, gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of population over the country. (Corporate conglomerates with farm quotas and subsidies). (CFTC) (FCA) (FDA)

10. Private education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production. (Public education funded by property taxes, gambling taxes, sin taxes, Power Ball and Lotto).

The progressives (politicians) of the twenty-first century who seem to believe in the SOCIALISTIC and NEO-COMMUNIST concepts, especially those who pass more and more laws, rules and regulations implementing those ideas, are contradicting their oath of office and to the Constitution of the United States of America. “Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe” — ‘None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”.

PROGRESSIVES by Jerry Rhoads

“A group, person, or idea favoring or implementing

social reform or new, liberal ideas”

… regardless of the cost of other people’s money

How can we be better

If we’re all the same

Is a democracy capitalism

Or socialism or both

Is it the chicken or the egg

Is it the Republicans or the Democrats

Is it the uneven division of wealth

Or the division of Misery equally

Is it the cutting of the pork based on effort

Or the eating of the feast done by the least

Issues or problems how can anything be better

If we’re all doled out our equal share

Take Education … it covers a lot of ground but

Equality won’t harvest any of it

Like political rationalizations … taxes are not the solution

But crime in the cities is not a political problem

Take wasteful Health care … it’s better to cover it and

Not need it than to need it and not have it

Take Defense of country … it’s better to waste money

And not need the WMD’s than to have USA wasted

Take Self-reliance — to those who do only what they please

Are seldom pleased with what they do

In the final analysis “if the good lord doesn’t rule

The affairs of the people then tyrant’s money will”

How can we be better off

If we’re all the same and getting soft

Give our brains and golf a challenge

And all of us will be better off

Give our bodies a lift and set a goal

We will prevent and preserve ourselves

How can we be better equal if we’re all the same

We can’t be better off if we are the lesser equally

As we will be lackadaisical meekly

When Uncle Sam stops paying its bills weekly

Wake up, America — Save the Enterprise Downsize Big Brother Government and the Brotherhood, Up Size Lassez-Faire Enterprise with as our score card, not the stock market a derivative bubble that can burst at any time. The only way to manage the future is to convert USA’s systems to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) that monitors our budgetary system for planning and execution of our financial plans. Ironically, China is in the process of making these changes in there internal reporting.

We have institutionalized the Enterprise with Big Brother government, public sector dominance. Big Box, Big Tech, Big Media, Big Unions, Big Pharma labeled essential businesses by Big Brother government during the Pandemic for borrowing capital needed for infrastructure repairs for our inner cities to fight crime, bridges, highways, transportation and environment. We are dominated by academic issues rather than problem solving. The majority of voters are not empowered to find an accountable and competent candidate nor party. It is obvious that the opportunity to be the swing vote is there for the American Enterprise Party.

It is time for the private sector to take back the Enterprise. We now have a “House of Cards” all jokers and a “Senate of Cards” all chockers creating a Welfare State of those with the power control the handouts. Governance is by Harvard Attorneys, Harvard Professors, and Harvard endowments … called Freak-o-Economics using the Golden Rule … those with the golden arm shall rule by playing the Monopsony Game for destroying the constitution and the Republic while the binary two-party system fails us as Washington DC burns. The epidemy of the Roman Empire.

Ala, the Roman Empire that burned its future by ignoring its collective values and patriotism. While the Senate and Emperor argued the military wasted away it’s honor on meaningless wars and land grabs. America is in the same spiral towards a cold war with China, our biggest adversary.

Wake up, America — Save USA from Debt and China’s Cold Warfare

Just as George Orwell authored in 1984 (in a dystopia called Oceania)

War is Peace … continual war is peace

Ignorance is Strength … blindly follow Big Brother

Slavery is Freedom … workers are free in the Brotherhood

Short Range Plans of China for Supremacy (Epoch Times):

1) Internet supremacy combining 5-G, AI, Cryptocurrency, Block Chain Exchange, Data Capture for Propaganda and Mind Control.

2) Cyber supremacy, Military Development (stealth, cruise missiles, nuclear energy), Biotechnology for Health Care.

3) Mobilization of 748 million Chinese workforce, through Nationalism and Massive Recruitment of Foreign Talent.

4) Financial supremacy using GAAP, changing to Fiat Money (Bitcoins, Block Chain, Digital Yuan the World Reference Currency).

5) Propaganda using USA social media, Social Media Control, Brain Washing, Hacking for Technology, Influence America’s Social Revolution.

6) Biological supremacy, by funding research in labs at American Universities, using bio sciences to accumulate biogenetic profiles and editing technology for artificial technology to be used in sequencing DNA and genetic codes for preventing viruses and chronic diseases.

Just as George Orwell authored in 1984 (this China’s dystopian warfare)

War is Peace … cyber and internet warfare is peace … says Politburo

Ignorance is Strength … propaganda and hacking warfare is strength … says Big Brother

Slavery is Freedom … mobilization warfare of 1.4 billion Chinese as the Brotherhood is freedom … says Big Brother

Since the advent of the Great Society Programs, America has evolved into a culture of violence, vulgarity and disproportionate excesses of prosperity divided by politics and media. I believe this is due to the failure of the leadership of our two parties practicing money-tics not American enterprise values. Ask yourself, as a voter who would you pick a “better Red than dead pragmatic Republican” or a “Blue blood bleeding-heart phlegmatic Democrat” … or an “enterprising market driven American Enterprise Party Humanitarian” that wants every American citizen to be successful and healthy in pursing the American Utopian Dream.



Jerry L. Rhoads

Retired CPA, health care consultant to the private sector. Developer of management software, licensed health care administrator and owner of nursing homes.