The American Enterprise Party is a swing vote third party for breaking the strangle hold of the two party political system that’s failing America. For the first time American Capitalism and American Socialism are joined as the solution to gridlock policies and the disastrous financial condition Americans find themselves.

How Do You Like Your Robotic Automobile?

Jerry L. Rhoads


How Do You Like Your Robotic Automobile? What do you mean robotic? I’m the driver not the machine … right? Wrong, a Tesla is the robot, and you’re the itinerate passenger. Recently I used a rental car while having my selfish car was being fixed. Telluride by KIA. Never having driven an alternative driverless concept, it surprised me when the robot took over my steering wheel to make sure I, the human, was staying within the lines, and could stop at any time for obstacles. Hmmmmmm.

Example of OMG, such is the thinking of the total zero deaths (TZD) Green New Deal strategists toward zero deaths in traffic accidents, who claim that as long as Americans’ risk acceptance exists there is no way to reach the vision of TZD, for zero traffic fatalities.

In other words, until social imperatives necessary to eradicate risky behaviors, are instituted, so individuals engage in protective behaviors, to embrace traffic safety policies, TZD cannot happen. Then of course why not eradicate the same risk-taking tendencies of our capitalists, and entrepreneurs who are hurting the chance of TZD Social Utopia, for the greater good, or our military that marches into harm’s way for liberty. While us enterprising Americans say, let Americans decide their own fate when they drive our own car, and not TZD driverless cars.

Therefore, individual risk-taking freedoms take over woke rules dictating behaviors. Example: Here is why we Americans should never relinquish our right to take risks for our own individual benefit. This is the tactic foundation of American enterprise.

For example, Myles Peteron, age 18 and an entrepreneur in Canada is advising others to take risks for their dreams. He says pick a goal, and believe you can to achieve your goal. He is an industrious Canadian teen who has put his investment money where his mouth is, when it comes to plastic waste, (the world’s #1 environmental waste problem) by utilizing it as a component to his patented particle board … enterprise wins again… save the planet with conservation not deprivation … recycled plastics, batteries, tires, etc. not windmills, not cap and trade, not kill the cattle, not the Green New Deal nightmare with its fear demands to conformity by the Many, not the Few.

Robots are unfeeling, and detached from reality … don’t you see we are relinquishing our human need to take risks, and control the response. We lose that with the robotic driverless automobiles. I for one want to take my car out for a ride, to enjoy the scenery, yes but also the feeling of having some control over my decisions. When I get into this rental car, I lose my focus for any surrounding activity or scenery, until I try to adjust the lane, change the lane, stop, and start the robot. Okay, I’m being paranoid over something that could save my life … or breakdown in the middle of the trip, and kill me. It should be my choice, not the robotic auto.

Why, because this is the tip of the robotic iceberg, that will dehumanize all aspects of risk, and reward. Capitalism, and socialism will depend on the robots to decide what we do and when we do it … no love making unless the robot indicates its time and place.

The ultimate robot is big brother government, that decides I have to have a robotic auto for the greater good … not my own enjoyment but everyone’s depression when we realize that life is algorhythms, not an adventure. Personally, I don’t want a robot running my car nor my life … no matter how efficient, and effective the process may seem … it’s dehumanizing. Resulting in all aspects of life being programmed by a digital programmer, who doesn’t own a self-driving vehicle because it is too limiting. God save us from the digital nightmare of robots, and their offspring manikins.

This is about freedom not convenience or safety. What are the other means of dehumanizing society for the greater good, leaving the many in the dust of the few decision makers. How about the great propaganda machine now in place … social media and its algorhythms focusing on our habits and altering our values … to porn, violence, vulgarity, wealth by Lotto, and woke interpretations of behavior and adherence to what’s the new green deal, and who is the controlling political party today.

This is about value of the nuclear family, the opinions on abortion, and religion that will never be resolved by laws, and debate. Our leaders must make a stand for the majority, not the minority radicals who worship false gods, and want the ease of a robotic life dictating our weight, relationships, and future. Humanity is not robotic … it’s dynamic thoughts of what’s right and wrong … what’s necessary and good … what’s of value to each of us, not the greater good. Not capitalist or socialist but humanists practicing humanism.

This is the campaign by the American Enterprise Party for preserving the rights of humans not robotics … not propaganda … not vulgarity … not violence … not excessive wealth gaps … not ghettos … not open borders … not military controls … not activities, that destroy our American Dream, American history, and Americanism … the marriage of American Capitalism and American Socialism for Keeping America Great.

To educate yourself on the concept of a swing vote third party balancing the books, leading from the front not the rear, for expanding America’s Dream of peace on earth, good will to all of mankind on our Good Ship Earth. Read The American Enterprise Party Trilogy … volume one why do it?, volume two how to do it?, and volume three, who will do it? It’s enterprising risk-taking Americans like yourself, who are self-driven, not robotic driven.



Jerry L. Rhoads

Retired CPA, health care consultant to the private sector. Developer of management software, licensed health care administrator and owner of nursing homes.