Jerry L. Rhoads
6 min readApr 6, 2023


America’s in Red Zone for saving its economy. Facing possible involency and bankruptcy. Known as the Hoover Vales of the 1929 Depression. Republished from the podcast The American Enterprise Manefesto.


President Herbert Clark Hoover’s 1929 Vales were the poverty torn small farm communities. Result President Hoover was blamed for the stock market collapse, and loss of hope.

Now is it the Biden 2023 vales, discount interest run on FDIC banks, crime in the cities, environmental new deal, voting fraud, politicalized Judiciary, corrupt FBI, two party gridlock, 12% approval of Congress, 33% approval of President, and loss of hope. will America be destroyed like the 1929 stock market crash, causing the next American great depression.

What do they have in common, with Berlin, Poland, Stalingrad ghettos. 1929 depression termed Hoover vales (food lines, bank closings, poverty) during the great depression were epitomized by poverty, drought, stock market crash, unemployment, run on banks, crime in the cities, voting fraud, corrupt FBI, political gridlock.

What is the solution. It is the driving force of our American enterprises. The profit motive is pursued. The business enterprise is expanded. The quality of family life is aspired.

The work ethic is practiced. Advancement is inspirational. Ownership is investment of time, effort, and work. Happiness is a fruitful lifestyle.

The very components of capitalism and socialism in a democracy that is the American Dream society. Why then are these aspirations pitted against our humanity when it takes all to produce a successful enterprise.

The truth is that the capitalist needs to share in the wealth, based on the contribution of the human capital (socialism), that forms a peaceful coexistence culture. America has evolved into the very culture that supports revolution, violence, vulgarity and excess wealth in a few hands.

What stops communism in its tracks. The freedom to fail, and start over again, is the very connection that allows for a peaceful, competitive entrepreneurial environment, envisioned in our constitution.

The more the debate of the balance of capitalism, and socialism is the very strength of dialogue for political problem solving. The very underpinning of a democracy, and constitutional government. The equation is reason minus religion, and racism equals resolution of problems. Not a filibuster over political issues.

Reason meaning individual happiness, health and prosperity, and resolution is democracy for the collective transformation to a culture of Humanism. How then do we know it will work . Well, work is the solution as I found out in turning around bankrupt businesses … the boss capitalist needs to share in the wealth, based on the socialist workers learning to earn their share, by having a skill to bill, and I can compete for jobs in a laissez-faire society.

Symptoms of Money Driven Uni-party Government::

A gridlocked partisan Congress, and State legislatures with no meaningful debate or Prohems resolution for the insolvency, by calling everything political issues.

• Unaffordable legislation, and inaccurate forecasts on cost, and benefit.

• A cooked, financially unachievable budget.

• Deficits, and excessive debt 135% of GDP, collapsing the USA global economy.

• Executive Order Rulemaking without consensus.

• Dilation of or dilution of the Rule of Law. Former President Trump is indicted for political purposes.

• Money-tics over democratic politics, and money-talks over common cents.

• Loss of freedoms … speech, security, civil rights, right to work law, Rule of Law, liberty for all, health, and welfare benefits.

• Cooking of the cash-based budget, and books hiding deficits, and debt at all levels of government. No GAAP generally accepted Principled accounting for controls.

For example: The Social Security/ Medicare Trust Funds have been drained of cash by the General Fund borrowing for funding wars, and deficit spending using T-Bills causing an iverted yield curve. The predictor of a recession, then a depression.

• By not using generally accepted accounting principles government is lying to the taxpayers, economists, and bankers. Called cooking the books.

• Authoritarian rule with Oligarchy in charge. In economic terms a Monopsony (purchaser of last resort), with unaccountable, Monopoly Republic Partisan States.

Blue States 23 with 82 million voters, in 2020 election with east coast for Biden … the polarization of our political big states, and large cities, that vote for the Democrats.

Remarkably this is the money driven uni-party strategy, for liberal progressive Democrats. The McCoy’s.

Red States 27 with 72 million voters, in 2020 election for President Trump… on the other hand the mid-America, and smaller states, and community’s vote for Republicans.

Remarkably this is the money driven uni-party strategy for alt. right conservative Republicans. The Hatfield’s.

Americana is where the McCoy’s, and the Hatfield’s kill each other, and America in the middle, is founded on the same Big Brother, Brotherhood, Orwellian prediction for 1984, and my novel regarding Americana in 2084. Only an effective third swing vote pollical party can bring civility, debate, consensus and resolution of the gridlocked depression coming at us, risk taking, working Americans.

Unless the evolution is stopped, and free market enterprise becomes a worldwide ideology China/Russia/Iran/North Korea will consolidate its capitalism (America’s wealth transfer) power around Marxist Lenin theory of Government for the proletariat (the Proles), by the politburo, of the one omnipotent leader.

As proposed in my Trilogy … The American Enterprise Swing Vote Party quasi-organization of totalitarian worldwide politics, into a peaceful coexistence, based on Humanism of the people, by the people, for the risk-taking enterprising workers of a Democratic world.

This renders the USA to no swing vote to break up differences ofphilosophy or ideology that keep both parties focused on following the constitution that sets out the way the majority have agreed to be The American Enterprise Party Volume II:

American Enterprise Manifesto governed and protecting its enterprising American citizens from anarchy and economic ruin. “Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction. We don’t pass it on to our children in their bloodstream.”President Regan (or main stream money-tics… Jerry Rhoads)

It results in ineffective, inefficient, unaccountable Government gridlock due to contrary objectives for profitability, benefits, sharing of the profits, private ownership of property, deemed individual rights. Can these two conflicting philosophies be unified into a pluralistic political philosophy and party of synthesis for parity in intent based on individual effort in a free market society?

The answer is yes with a third part representing those values … AKA as the Great American Enterprise where it takes society to make capitalism work for all. This is in contrast to the compromising communist theory of contrition, for the greater good decided by a big government of the Few making laws for the Many and enforcing them with surveillance , censorship and fear by big media and business.

Thus, one party representing all lives … for strengthis fear and control is conformity (1984 George Orwell prediction of dehumanizing society).

So, I have developed the platform with a campaign strategy of becoming the “swing vote party” to break ties, and prevent partisan gridlock of the two-party system at every level by eliciting legalized voting support from all Enterprising Americans from the left, right and the middle to solve the problem that Big Brother Government ,and Big Business
Brotherhood cannot solve, without us. By being the following backbone of the Great American Enterprise.

1. The seventy-seven million baby boomers, and 13 million votersof color.

2. The 100 million middle- to low-income enterprising American families to vote for doing away with the control of our country by the elite Few for the Many.

3. See Article 12 for strategy where we must sell our party tothe forces that control the media, the internet to educate and involve the patriots that still dwell in every community and business.

This will unlock the gridlocked uni-party “winner take all “system where the fusing of the republican and democrat parties with 19 republican senator turncoats votes for a two-step $6.5 trillion infrastructure (green new deal) ten-year spending bill and a $6 trillion budget package that commits the USA to $100 trillion deficit spending forever.

Effectively, our uni-party “winner take all” has evolved into taking us down the path of financial destruction promising to save the planet, provide freehealth care for all, free public education for all, free welfare checks, free college for all, free voting systems, guaranteed annual income for all.

Open borders to all who want to get a piece of the American pie and a one-party “winner take all” government for the greater good of all. “A 1,000 billion here, a 1,000 billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money.” Senator Everett Dirksen’s quote converted to 2021 trillion dollars not billions.



Jerry L. Rhoads

Retired CPA, health care consultant to the private sector. Developer of management software, licensed health care administrator and owner of nursing homes.